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Create a successful SEO strategy on Amazon in 5 steps

December 13, 2022

Just like Google, Amazon has become an essential search engine.

Indeed, 60% of product searches worldwide start on this marketplace!

On the other hand, we also know that 7/10 searches are done without a brand name, which forces sellers to redouble their efforts to be visible to users.

Thus, to increase their chances of conversion, sellers on Amazon set themselves the goal of reaching the Holy Grail: the first page of results.

But how do you do that?

Spoiler Alert: you need to build a real semantic cocoon, structured and relevant, around your market, your product or your category. And to do this, there is a very specific expertise: SEO.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a set of techniques that allow you to be visible when a customer searches for a product directly on the Amazon search bar.

The art of this expertise relies on a set of non-paying actions, to be carried out throughout the product life cycle, allowing you to respond to the letter of the rules of the game dictated by the algorithm.

Indeed, with more than 12 million unique products on the Amazon marketplace, it is absolutely necessary to include real semantic expertise in your content in order to stand out from your competitors, to catch the eye of the buyers and, to suit the Amazon A10 algorithm.

We can't repeat it enough: a product page on Amazon is like product packaging + a store window + the salesperson's advice combined! And we know the power of marketing on the sale of a product...

But, what strategy to put in place to be visible on Amazon? How to launch your SEO strategy? Where to start?

Bizon experts give you the keys to launch a successful SEO strategy to get results in 6 months.

Step 1: Define your target

As with any project, you have a target.

You still have to find it.

On Amazon, it is essential to know the search behaviors of users.

The first questions you should be able to answer are: what are my target's needs and what queries do they use to find the product they are looking for?

This will allow you to know if the searches are done by product, brand or benefit. By answering this question, you will be able to better target and capture your future customers, but above all, you will be able to respond to their needs with content that is optimized according to your results.

Step 2: Know your market

To know your market, you will need to conduct a competitive study. You will then need to learn about your category and finally, perform a maturity analysis of your market.

Without knowing the habits and needs of your market, it will be almost impossible to perform on Amazon.

Knowing who and how you are addressing is therefore one of the keys to success on Amazon...


by Bizon

One of the first elements that Internet users will see during their searches is the title of your product sheet.

In order for Amazon to consider your title as properly optimized, and thus give it a good visibility, you will have to implement the best practices dictated by Amazon.

These "best practices" will allow you to provide key information about your product to your visitors, and will then help them understand its benefits at a glance.

Remember: you only have a few seconds to seduce and trigger a purchase, so make sure you highlight the important information!

As a reminder: you only have a few seconds to seduce and trigger the purchase, so put the important information forward!

  • Here is how to build an optimized title:

Brand - Product title - Feature 1 - Feature 2 - Feature 3 - Weight/Size.

  • Your title should ideally have between 85 and 200 characters, including spaces.

Step 3: The angle of attack

Your angle of attack should include your brand image and tone. Amazon is often an additional sales lever for our clients, which must be integrated into a much broader omnichannel strategy.

Your account and your content on the marketplace must therefore be designed following the same editorial line of your brand, in order to keep consistency and harmony in your discourse.

To give you an idea of relevant angles of attack, here are some examples:

Situation 1: Gaining market share with a niche product

In this case, we generally recommend that you include information about the benefits or unique qualities of your product in your content, in order to increase its desirability as much as possible.

This way, you will be able to position yourself as an expert in your category.

The goal is to target a specific need in order to broaden your target audience.

If you sell a (very) specific product like Manuka honey, you can first talk about the benefits of your product, its higher concentration and then create content on a lever like "100% pure", mentioning the source or the place of manufacture, if it is renowned for example.

Situation 2: Export the sheets internationally

When the time comes to enter new markets, the strategy of vendors is usually to translate product pages from one language to another, without doing a new semantic or market analysis.

However, for international development to be effective, you must first conduct a new benchmark on the market you are targeting.

By studying it, you will learn more about the differences in habits and uses of your new targets.

Let's take for example a brand that sells kitchen items dedicated to food preservation.

In France, their use is similar to that of freezer bags.

On the other hand, on the American market, this product will be used more like a Tupperware.

Obviously, for the conservation but also for the transport of food / dishes on a daily basis.

These small behavioral subtleties allow you to choose the right keywords and information to slip in, but also to be able to select a different category to better reach your target.


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Consumer habits differ from country to country.

Search terms can therefore vary depending on the use made of your product.

In order for your catalog to be visible and rise in the search results in each country and every time, it is therefore essential to adapt.

Here is how to find the right keywords:

  • Conduct a market study on the targeted country

  • Enter your keywords in generators or tools dedicated to keyword analysis to know the search volumes, associated keywords or the level of competition

  • Choose the most searched and the least competitive according to your budget

  • Integrate these keywords in your content without forgetting the "back-end" field

Situation 3: Positioning yourself in an ultra-competitive market

The most difficult thing in a very mature market is to make yourself visible and defend your brand against competitors!

On Amazon, in order to settle in this type of configuration, you must first of all control your notoriety.

Thus, you limit the chances of your competitors to be placed on the keywords that you, sometimes related to your brand, in order to protect it to the maximum.


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You can count on long tail keywords.

By using them, you refine your targeting and respond more precisely to any customer requests.

Indeed, the more a keyword is said to be "long-tail", the more it specifies a request.

For example, we will go from a simple "gourd" to an "aluminum gourd for children".

In terms of content on your product page, we advise you to work as much as possible around your comparative advantage. We are used to giving this advice to our customers.

By highlighting the uniqueness of your product, the characteristics that make it different or better than the others, it will allow you to stand out from the crowd and attract the eye of the "Amazonians".

The objective will then simply be to look at how your competitors work, to do better!

In short, the objective in a competitive market is to integrate more specific terms and keywords. (But not only!)

Remember that most customers who visit your pages already know what they are looking for (assets, desired effects...). The challenge for you is not to convince the buyer to buy your product, but to convince them that your product is more effective than those they could find elsewhere and that it is worth buying.

This is the time to talk about your product's strong focus, its transparent sourcing, its eco-responsible facet or your labels and certifications.

For example, if you sell food supplements that are more concentrated in active ingredients than your competitors, that respect nature or that are bio-based, highlight these advantages to stand out!

They will be powerful and efficient marketing levers to trigger a purchase!

Step 4: The choice of keywords

The choice of your keywords can be done with the help of several tools or keyword generators.

You must skillfully choose them and then place them in your content in a strategic way. There is no room for chance in this area!

Since you now know your customers' needs, you must understand what your customers are looking for and then develop a complete semantic corpus.

The common thread at this stage is to weave a logic of themes.

By working and pushing the semantic field of your keyword, you increase your chances of visibility. By exploiting your field in depth, you cover the entire scope of the subject and positively influence your visibility.

Step 5: Optimize content

To optimize your content, you must work on all the textual elements of the pages.

The title

It must remain relevant, concise and clear.

Your main keywords should be placed at the beginning, for Amazon to give them more impact.

These 2 points contribute directly to the attribution of the ranking on Amazon.

The bullet points

Insist on the keywords of the titles in the bullet points to have more impact.

Think about brand synonyms and keywords, to garner maximum visibility on different strategic axes (product name, ingredient, brand, etc.).

The description

In this space, you will be able to place long tail keywords, more specific queries and more related to the product. You can also add these elements in the back end. It is above all an opportunity to say more about your product. Don't skip the back end by insisting on grammatically incorrect keywords. This field is not visible to users but remains well indexed.

In addition, on Amazon, A+ content is an additional element through which you can also work on your SEO.

To stay competitive, keep in mind that you will have to continuously re-challenge your content, several times a year. This way, you will follow the search trends, adapt to the buying behavior of your targets and try to stay at the top of the search results.

On Amazon, SEO is not limited to keywords.

You will have to take into account all the criteria set by the e-commerce giant so that your strategy can make your sales take off. This includes the foundation and quality of your visuals, the creation and optimization of a store and A+ content, the integration of your catalog and all the thinking done around it by retrieving customer reviews, building variations or holding the buy box ...

You can't do it yourself or need a helping hand?

Our experts will be happy to help and guide you through the Amazon jungle.

Caroline Chapotot

Head of Editorial & SEO


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